safe dams for safe future


Dams have contributed to the development of civilizations for thousands of years and they also contribute in meeting the ever-increasing demands of drinking water, irrigation, hydropower etc and also to protect against destructive floods. Today India ranks third globally after China and USA in terms of number of large dams. There are about 6000 completed and functional large dams in India and many are under construction stage. Safety of these dams is of paramount importance. Majority of these dams (98%) are owned by the State Governments while the remaining is owned by Central Public Sector Undertakings and private agencies. About 80% of these dams are more than 25 years of age and 234 dams are more than 100 years old. Ensuring the safety of the dams in India is primarily the responsibility of the dam owners.

To address the dam safety issues holistically, Union Government has enacted the landmark legislation on Dam Safety in 2021, culminating 40 years of journey to provide a comprehensive framework for safe functioning of dams. Provisions of the Act have come into force with effect from 30th December, 2021. This Act provides for proper surveillance, inspection, operation and maintenance of the specified dams for prevention of dam failure related disasters and to create an institutional mechanism to ensure their safe functioning.

Indian Dam Safety Act, 2021