The aims and objectives of Dam Safety Society is to have a future where all dams, appurtenant structures and networks are safe and provide sustainable benefits to the society. The aims and objectives of the Dam Safety Society are:
- To provide a common platform for policy makers, dam safety organisations, dam owners and dam professionals, to discuss and deliberate the issues of mutual interest about the safety and integrity of dams and appurtenant works and distribution networks.
- Build awareness of the challenges, values, and benefits of dams and levees to the public for water security, climate change and energy transition and also the importance of safe dam operations;
- To advance, expand and disseminate the latest technological solutions and innovations for dam safety, rehabilitation and operation & maintenance, to policy makers, professionals, dam engineering practitioners and other stakeholders;
- To promote and improve guidelines and technical standards, quality of works and performance of operation, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of dams and networks for dam safety engineers and other professionals.
- To promote cooperation between different professionals and non-professionals who work in the field of dam safety, dam safety engineering and related fields;
- As a professional society, to let people know who we are, what we do and why.
- To facilitate creation of educational and capacity building curricula for dams and leeves professionals to specialized educational institutes and dam safety related professionals.
- To improve the condition and safety of dams and lower the risk of dam failures through education and services to dam safety organizations, dam owners; dam professionals and fostering a unified dam safety community;
- Identify advancements in dams and levees safety management and needs for training.
- Develop and deliver industry-relevant education and
- Evaluate, and if warranted, create accrediting/ certifying opportunities for professionals and/or programs
- To provide a forum for development of a common strategic vision on dam safety management on a sustainable basis, and to promote the implementation of effective policies and strategies;
- To study and disseminate dam safety practices adopted worldwide and promote dam safety discipline across the world through collaborative efforts with professional bodies and individuals.
- To generate a common pool of resources, experts and agencies, from across the world which are aligned with DSS's missions and values.
- for providing education, solutions and advice.
- To generate a data base of dam safety solutions provided and rehabilitation measures implemented for dams of all countries for the benefit of all.
- Strengthen and promote connection with ICOLD National Committees and other international professional organizations whose activities are analogous to those of Dam Safety Society
- Identify and provide leadership opportunities to advance the DSS Mission and to ensure it remains viable.
- Create opportunities and mechanisms for higher education institutions and researchers to share advances in the field.
- Create networking and mentoring opportunities for professionals, to share, grow, and access
- information for collaboration and encourage the free flow of information.
- Facilitate effective sharing of advances in dam safety engineering, in order to enhance the health and safety of dams through research, education, action, and services in order to ensure public safety.
- To pool the knowledge worldwide and publish technical literature to contribute information on different aspects of dam safety management.
- To organize/conduct symposia, seminars, conferences, workshops, training courses at national and international level and other education related activities.
- Foster career paths that will grow the talent pool for dam industry.
- Motivate Research students and young engineers professionals into the dam industry and DSS activities
- Strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion within the community of practice.
- Grow DSS through outreach beyond our membership from India and other countries.
- To facilitate generation of technical standards and relevant information through institutions for use by decision-makers to attain sustainable dam safety management.