safe dams for safe future
safe dams for safe future
Water is the driving force for nature. Water storage and its management has a huge impact on water, food and energy security and economy of any country. Dams are critical infrastructure for storing water for a variety of uses like drinking water, irrigation, power generation, industrial, domestic and recreational uses. Managing our precious water assets require development of systematic management and technological processes along with matching hardware in terms of materials and skills. Dam safety is the discipline which addresses these issues and provides us with the necessary framework using which we can ensure our goal towards a safe and competent dams portfolio for the country.
Dam safety assurance will therefore become a collaborative effort where the voices of the regulators and also the stakeholders will have to find a place in the approaches to be adopted at national and international level. Establishment of the Dam Safety Society is to establish a professional body of all stakeholders and provide a forum where the issues can be examined threadbare and “win-win” situations are created for all the stakeholders in assuring dam safety.
With long experience, it has been realized that whereas we have a sizeable number of standards and guidelines for new works, such knowledge base of standardized practices is not existing for the dam safety. The Dam safety society will focus on such unique safety aspects and will attempt to generate common knowledge base utilizable by the professionals. Dam Safety Society aims to cover all the scientific, technological and managerial aspects of dam safety and will provide a forum, to deliberate on the unique challenges posed by existing dams for evolving unique solutions in order to ensure their safety. and, to deliberate on the unique challenges posed by existing dams for evolving unique solutions in order to ensure their safety.
Proposed society aims to cover all the scientific, technological and managerial aspects of dam safety. The society will provide a forum to deliberate on the unique challenges posed by existing dams for evolving unique solutions in order to ensure their safety. With long experience it has been realized that the approach to dam safety related works is having its distinct characteristics. Knowledge base of standardized practices is not existing for the dam safety. The Dam safety society will focus on such unique aspects and attempt to generate common knowledge base utilizable by the professionals.
A world where all dams, appurtenant structures and networks are safe to the communities they serve.
To work for empowerment of professionals, dam safety organizations, dam owners and to discuss and deliberate the issues of mutual concern about the safety and integrity of dams; appurtenant works and distribution networks for sustainable benefits of dams and levees for safe communities.
The Society is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 at New Delhi.
Certificate of Registration
Memorandum of Association